Load IPFS content to get started!
In order to "upload" something to IMDS, you will first need to have all of your audio/artwork files available on IFPS. Not sure how to put your assets on IPFS? Look at the about page!
This application aims to make it easy to play music from the IPFS network using the IMDS Standard (IPFS Music Distribution and Storage). Simply type an IPFS CID that complies with the IMDS standard into the text box on the browse page and the application will load the content this CID refers to.
IPFS is a decentralized network of computers hosting content that can be accessed by anyone on the network. Each piece of content (like an audio file in this example) is assigned a unique identifier known as a CID. These CIDs are generated from the content itself and so any piece of content acquired from IPFS can be verified as the correct data by generating a CID from it and verifying that it is the same CID originally requested.
Because IPFS has no central authority, data stored on IPFS will be persistent as long as at least one node is hosting it. Anyone can "pin" data and so IPFS is arguably the most resilient way to store information, and if it's the most resilient way to store data, why not stream your music directly from it?
Check out flutttr's discography
you can learn more about IPFS at http://ipfs.tech (that is an old school link!) or you can learn about IMDS on it's official whitepaper:
this player was created by Luke Branson